看罷最新一集「星期二檔案 — 他獨留在家」*,十分感慨。
15/2 續情人節
3 星期前
4 則留言:
Absolutely! Two of the most successful people of my age that I know of happen to come from similar backgrounds as the little girl you wrote about. They had to deal with problems that normal children do not have to go through at an early age, yet they worked harder and learnt to treasure what they had much earlier than anyone else at the same time did. Despite the hardship they had gone through, I noticed that these two people shared something in common, something that has been very critical to their upbringing and later success, that is the unconditional love and support from their mothers.
There are times when we almost forget how love is so important to us, especially to children. Love, especially parental love, is something intangible, yet so powerful. One's success is highly dependent on how much emotional support one receives other than other more practical, yet superficial things that can feed one well and dress one pretty.
SO, there is hope out there, buddie! Lots of hope for the less 'fortunate' ones -- though I think the little girl, "Ah Ching" is one of the luckiest girls who has such a loving father.
correction: 'at the same time [THEY] did'.
please ignore my correction :)
I agree with you totally. Parental love is essential. Can you find the program online? You should watch it yourself, it is very touching.